I look at the world around me

And I have to wonder:

Is it just I

or some spell I’m under?

Do others see it too,

The light in life?

Do they see the way

to end this strife?

I know life’s not easy

I know change is hard

But can’t it be done?

For the good of all

Some will have to fall

We do not ask

For what we are

And we never know

Who life may scar

But change must come

And it must be now

So I ask:

Not when, but how?

We will go on

Even with all hope gone

For that is our way

Always, forever, today

I will not give in

I will not accept loss

For I know the cost


And I know

No matter what it takes

How far this goes

I will reach

And this I know:

I will always be there

Because I am

I will always do so

Because I can

And I will not give in

Because of who I am.