No matter what the price,

No matter what the cost;

There will not be a reason why,

Nor shall I ever really die.

I know I’m not immortal

I know all things end,

But in time

Hope shall cause this galaxy to mend.

We don’t know where we’re going

We just know where we’ve been

But on this road I’m walking

To it my heart I must lend

We all laugh,

We all cry;

Sometimes more,

Sometimes die.

I will not give in

I am always here

Do not ever lose me

For I never end

This light we follow

That shows tomorrow

It does not end

And it shall mend

The wrongs to right

The day from night

It brings peace and hope

It will never die

And nor will I;

In your eyes

Do not balk

At the choices we make

For this road

Someone must take

I leave you with a dream

One which we will someday be free

I leave you and I know

You will all carry on

Even if I am gone

Carry on

And these words

You can not forget

Look to the skies

I forever walk there

This, I swear

I am not gone

I forever go on

Need of me;

You must but ask

I live, I die, I live

For in I do not give

Remember me, remember this

This life was a gift

One not used

One not forever gone

I say; do

Live on.