Cateogory: New Republic Description: This is a short, self-explanatory story written from Luke Skywalker's point of view, while he is reflecting on how different he seems to be from so many others. email: Disclaimer: all the characters in Star Wars are owned by George Lucas. I don't mean to infringe on anyone's rights. This story is not written for profit, just for fun. I'm not being paid or anything, I just wrote it to enjoy myself. I don't mean to infringe on anyone's rights; this is just fan-fiction. Robin Roberts June 1999 So Different I don't know what is so different about me. I walk into a room and heads turn - it does not matter if they feel me or not, but they look at me. Most don't even know why they stare, and they become embarrassed because of it and turn away. But I've always known I was different. Even when I was a kid, I attracted attention that others did not. People looked at me strangely; they were somehow drawn to me. I never understood it, but I became used to it, in time. I remember asking my Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru why people looked at me like that. Uncle Owen seemed to get angry all of a sudden and told me that it didn't matter. But my aunt pulled me aside after Owen had left the room, and she told me it was because I was different. I asked what she meant; she said I was special. I asked who I was special to, and she became very quiet. She said I was special to her, and while I knew she wasn't lying, I knew it wasn't the whole truth either. I always had a unique talent for telling when people were lying to me. I never questioned why I had it - I just did. And I was just different. I can't say I didn't question that, but I didn't voice my questions again. I never even asked Yoda or Ben. It didn't occur to me then. All I knew was that I had to save the galaxy. I had to become a Jedi. I didn't find out until years later that there had been numerous prophecies written about me. I'm supposed to be "the one who brings balance to the Force," but sometimes I find myself hating that title, along with the "greatest Jedi" title. I'm human. I just wish other people would realize it. But like it or not, I am different. I have abilities and insights that others don't even dream of, and I have powers that used to frighten me. They only do not frighten me now because I have come to terms with what I am. What I am is who I am, even though people stare at me and sometimes fear me. I am different, and I suppose I am who the prophecies said I could be. All I know is that someone has to do it; someone always has. If that makes me different, if that gives me strength, then so be it. I will do what is needed. I've always known I was different. I just didn't know how much until now.