Submission Guidelines

If you've read my stories, you can probably tell that I will explore almost any possibility. There is one exception: NO NC-17 STORIES ALLOWED. Under no circumstances will I post these stories. My Siberian Husky will bite me if I do.

You can email me stories in text (.txt), .html, .htm, or word (.doc) format. If you send me a file in .doc format (which is a good idea if it includes lots of formatting), I will put it in .htm in order to post it. That's what I do with most of my stories.

The following must be included in your email:

  1. your name
  2. email address
  3. category it belongs in (Old Republic, New Republic, Empire)
  4. summary
If you feel your story is rated R, please give MAKE THAT PLAIN WHEN YOU SEND IT TO ME (or put it in your summary). I will always post this.

You can include a link to any website you have if you want to.

Email me!