Hope seems gone,

But Force lives on

I know its not over

No matter what the cost

Some will live

Some will die

I know not how

But I do know why

And even I this time

may have to die

I do what I must

You know that,

You trust

In what I do

So I do

And I will not give in

In my own way, I will win



















A word to Jedi

Now and yet to come:

Come someday

There will be one

You will have to trust

You will have to see

If you really desire

What you seem to be

Will you fight

For what you should believe?

Will you understand

What it is to be me?

I do not ask you to do what will come for just one

I ask not to fight for yourselves

But for those you could become


So precious, so rare

Will you remain, or will you dare?

I ask not for me

I ask not for you

What I ask is what someone must do

Trust my words not

This is just paper, not "something real"

But I ask you to trust your hearts

And open your eyes

To this galaxy

To this wound that will not heal

Unless we give all.